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Before your first visit, please gather any previous medical or adoption records you may have for your pet. We need this information to get an accurate record of your pet’s medical history and to create the best treatment plan for your pet.

When you visit the hospital, please bring your pet in a carrier or on a leash. This will prevent any incidents with other animals that may also be in the lobby.

When it is time for your appointment, one of our friendly volunteers and staff will escort you and your pet to an exam room where they will ask you some questions regarding your visit. Weight, temperature, and a quick check of your pet might happen at this time as well. Our volunteers love to learn and see all they can, so we believe in giving them every opportunity as someday they will be doing this in their own clinic!

When the veterinarian examines your pet, she will take the time to listen and ask questions so she can understand your concerns. She will also perform a physical examination of your pet – checking their eyes, ears, and mouth and listening to their heart – and will ask you questions about habits and activities.

We are excited about meeting you and your pet. We will always strive to provide the level of care that you both deserve.

Should you have any questions about your upcoming visit or procedure, please do not hesitate to call or email us. We are always willing to answer any and every question that you may have.